The Elephant in the Room

Elephant Song

The Asian elephant is a national first-class protected wild animal and an endangered species. Currently, there are only ~300 Asian elephants left in China, rarer than panda. 

Yunnan's "Wild Elephant Valley" claims that they rescue injured elephants. However, after the rescue, they cruelly train the elephants to perform for human entertainment. Hula hoop, playing football, raising flags, jumping rope — actions completely goes against the natural behaviors of elephants. They eliminate the wild nature of animals through various extremely cruel training methods.

Together with lawyers and NGOs, we sued them. On March 28th at 9 am Beijing Time, the Yunnan Provincial Higher People's Court will hold a hearing.

We urge "Wild Elephant Valley" to stop elephant performance; compensate the elephants for the long-term psychological and physical trauma, provide long-term rehabilitation treatment, and release the elephants that meet the conditions back into the wild.

All elephant footage in this film was shot in Yunnan's "Wild Elephant Valley".


Triple jumps, hula hoops,

Feed me $80, sit me $100.

My prison cell is five square meters.

Play harmonica, kiss kiss,

The money I earn goes to the government and the boss,

Rescue but not release back the wild, NGO on paper, Madam in real.



You've walked the earth for millions of years,

Now, on this land, only three hundred remain.



You are a first-class protected wild animal,

Grant the wild elephants the right to be wild!

Elephant, elephant,

Why is your nose so long?

Mom said beauty lies in its length.

Elephant, elephant,

Why does your nose bear so many wounds?

Mom, I can't return to where we came from.

Raise flag, jump rope,

Virtue, intelligence, physique, aesthetics, labor: Excellence in five virtues.

The sharp hooks pierce as I'm forced to entertain guests.

Play football, throw darts,

Your family sways in pain's night.

Mother said, obey to avoid the spike's bite.


明日北京时间早9点,云南省高级人民法院 开庭!






The Elephant in the Room

In Yunnan's Wild Elephant Valley, over 20 Asian elephants have been rescued and sheltered. After their rescue, they were subjected to extremely cruel "patented" training methods, performing actions completely against their nature, such as hula hooping, playing football, skipping rope, raising the national flag, choosing consorts, and kissing. Elephants have a stronger memory than humans and are capable of profound emotional experiences. Thus, they feel the abuse they endure even more acutely. Humans are not the center of the universe, nor the only valuable beings on Earth. It is necessary to extend personhood to other beings and respect their inherent life, thereby promoting peaceful coexistence among all living beings. Wild Elephant Valley's large-scale enslavement of elephants for commercial use overlooks and strips elephants of their basic rights and inherent dignity.

If you open this link in your browser and turn on the sound, you will see an elephant. Those scars are "evidence" of the abuse. Shackles, bullhooks, nails, and crushing training are all approved "technical patents." March 28, 2024, during the court session of the #AsianElephantLawsuit #亚洲象公益诉讼案, whenever someone clicks on these "scars," a drone emit the sounds of the elephants' fear, annoyance, or rage over the court. By clicking on AR mode, you can place a life-sized elephant in your room—the "scarred elephant" in the room—a strikingly present, ignored, and denied fact, just as the evidence of Wild Elephant Valley's cruel training is undeniable. We hope the Yunnan High Court will not turn a blind eye. Please take screenshots and share the elephant in your room, adding#AsianElephantLawsuit #亚洲象公益诉讼案 to show your support for this public welfare lawsuit in real-time!


云南野象谷救助收容了20多头亚洲象,救助之后,他们用极其残忍的“专利”对它们进行训练,表演各种完全违背天性的动作,如呼啦圈、踢足球、跳大绳、升国旗、选妃与亲吻等。大象具有比人类更强的记忆力,还有深刻的情感能力。因此,它们对自身受到的虐待会感到更加痛苦。 人类不是宇宙的中心,也不是地球上唯一有价值的生物,我们有必要将人格给予其他生物,并尊重其固有的生命,从而促进所有生物之间的和平共处。野象谷大规模地奴役大象以供商业使用,忽视并剥夺了大象的基本权利和固有尊严的生活。

打开此链接,你会看到一个大象,那些伤疤是虐待大象的“证据”。脚链、象钩、钉子、摧垮训练,竟然都是被批准的“技术专利”。2024年3月28日上午#亚洲象公益诉讼案 开庭期间,每当有人点击这些“伤疤”,大象的害怕、厌烦,或暴怒的声音通过无人机在法院上空鸣响。 点击AR模式,你可以将等比大小的大象放在房间里——房间里的“伤痕累累的大象”—— 触目惊心地存在,被忽略、被否定的事实,一如野象谷对大象残忍的训练证据确凿。我们希望云南省高院不会视而不见。请大家截图、录屏,转发在你的房间里的大象,请加上#亚洲象公益诉讼案,实时传递你们对此次公益诉讼案的支持!